The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #2085   Message #2915777
Posted By: Joe Offer
28-May-10 - 12:13 AM
Thread Name: Origins: Katie Bairdie/Katie Beardie/Kitty Beardie
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Katie Bairdie / Katie Beardie
Sorcha posted an ABC tune in another thread, but didn't indicate where she got the tune.

Thread #23672   Message #266247
Posted By: Sorcha
27-Jul-00 - 11:15 PM
Thread Name: Tune Add: Please Post Tunes Here I
Subject: RE: Tune Add: Please Post Tunes Here I
Tune Add: lyrics here, in DT Lyr Req in forum here

T:Katie Bairdie, also spelled Katie Beardie
A>B A>G F>G A2| E>F G>F E>F G2|
A>B A>G F>G A2| D2 F<A E2 D2:|>

File name: [ KITBEARD
ane maybe, [ BABOWSTR

There are a lot of notes in the DT regarding these, and this is the "similar to London Bridge" tune, apparently also called "Shirramuir".

(please,let me have done this correctly. I really hope the http come out as http, not as invisible links)

To play or display ABC tunes, try

Click to Play

Here's the Traditional Ballad Index entry on this song
You'll find this and many others in Popular Rhymes of Scotland. The version posted above has all the verses from "Popular Rhymes," and lots more.