The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #126555   Message #2917254
Posted By: LilyFestre
30-May-10 - 01:02 PM
Thread Name: on to Life!
Subject: RE: LilyFestre - Only one more chemo to go!!
Rented scooters.....yes, I had emailed the CEO about reasonable (as I am not working) hotel recommendations and a place that might rent scooters. He emailed me back saying he is working on some free accomodations and also free scooter usage. He said to hang on a month or so before I make any reservations for the room or scooter as he's pretty sure I won't have to pay for this. How cool is that?

And celebrating? I have no idea what to do..... The hospital is having a celebration on the 12th of either June or September...(I can't remember...will have to look it up) for National Cancer Survivor's Day. It's for people like me and their caregivers. Well...honestly, I could invite LOTS of people for that but since they limited the number to 2, I am taking Mom and Pete...that's a no brainer. I had 2 chemo nurses ask if I was going to go and I told them OH YEAH!!! They grinned from ear to ear and that made me feel good.

Someone told me that I should do something I've always wanted to do and after thinking about it, I'm not entirely sure what that might be. I've always wanted to do photography so maybe I need to look into that MORE and get MORE active with that on a daily basis....but as far as a once in a lifetime what do I want to do kind of thing? I have no idea. I want to be a mommy but that is in the works too. :) The other thing that comes to mind is Veronica. Her baby is due in September and as of now, no one is going to the appointments with her and she has no one to be with her during labor or the birth. I would give anything to be there with her. She is coming to visit next month and that is going to be a conversation we have. Of course I am prepared for her to say no...that's a really personal thing but I hate the idea of her going through this alone and nothing would make me happier than to be there to hold her hand through it all.

Susan, what do you mean about celebrating it at church? How would that happen? I'm just not sure what you mean.

One thing too, and maybe this sounds really dumb, but I want to celebrate that my chemo treatments are over....I'm afraid to celebrate anything resembling that the cancer is gone because it will be just about that time that it comes back. Superstitious? Maybe but there's not a chance that I'm going to push my luck about that. NONE.

Some people talk about going to far away places that they've always dreamed of and really, I don't have any aspirations of that I'd have to think some more on what it is I've always wanted to do.....strange to not know that already isn't it? I suppose it's because I'm pretty content with my life and would be wildly ecstatic to have it return to normal and be healthy.

No kayaking for's beautiful but breezy and my head is cold just standing in the's always cooler out on the maybe tomorrow. Instead, we are going to get some more pots for container gardening, a portable fire pit to enjoy in the evenings, a movie and then some fresh scallops to bring home for dinner with corn on the cob!   :)
