The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #129803   Message #2917696
Posted By: Don(Wyziwyg)T
31-May-10 - 11:04 AM
Thread Name: BS: TreasuryMinister David Laws resigns UK
Subject: RE: BS: TreasuryMinister David Laws resigns UK
""You can be sure of one thing, if he had to pay £40,000 out of his own pocket he would very quickly have found somewhere cheaper.""

If you can find me accomodation in London which costs me £40,000 for EIGHT YEARS I'll take it.

My current housing association rent for a property thirty miles from London will cost me £48,000 over the next eight years IF I can persuade them to freeze my rent at its current level. In fact it will increase by inflation plus two percent minimum. You do the math, then tell me where you think he can find cheaper accomodation in London.

Don T.