The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #129839   Message #2918131
Posted By: LadyJean
31-May-10 - 11:29 PM
Thread Name: BS: Is it time for a gay president?
Subject: RE: BS: Is it time for a gay president?
My first thought was, A gay president! Glenn Beck would have a coronary!
My second thought was, Wow! Wouldn't that be great!

OK, David Lloyd George was one of England's great prime ministers.
David Lloyd George had difficulty keeping his pants buttoned.
I have reason to bellieve he made a pass at my grandmother. (Alas, my father's mother, who wouldn't have thought it was funny.)
That did not diminish his ability to lead his nation during a very difficult time.

I do not give a damn who a politician is screwing as long as it isn't me!!!