The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #129896   Message #2918734
Posted By: Martha Burns
01-Jun-10 - 08:59 PM
Thread Name: Maybelle Carter in Concert, April 1963
Subject: Maybelle Carter in Concert, April 1963
Believe it or not, Maybelle Carter's first ever concerts for a folk audience, at the Ash Grove in L.A., are available on the web. And if that isn't remarkable enough, she's even got Mike Seeger backing her up.
It was the New Lost City Ramblers who persuaded Maybelle to do the concerts. They brought her to the Newport Folk Festival soon afterward, thus launching her late career in the folk revival.
The concerts are amazing. She plays autoharp, banjo and guitar. For me, it's a thrill just to hear her speak her introductions.
Can hardly believe what's on the web. Had to share this one.

First Concert, April 17, 1963

Second Concert, April 18, 1963

Third Concert, April 20, 1963

Fourth Concert, April 21, 1963

There's a cost if you want to download the concerts, but streaming is free.