The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #129804   Message #2919897
Posted By: oggie
03-Jun-10 - 02:21 PM
Thread Name: BS: How to kill off hope.
Subject: RE: BS: How to kill off hope.
In Hull they replaced two failing schools with a brand new £15 million school, it too is failing, back in Special Measures again and now rumoured to be closed and moved again less than ten years after opening. Before any more money is spent on any scheme there needs to be a long hard look at what actually works and plans developed to roll thatout. Just throwing money at new schools hasn't worked, neither has a totally prescriptive National Curriculum nor many of the initiatives of the last thirty or more years.

It may be that there isn't an answer, the truth may be that in areas where no value or pupose is seen in education then education will always be fighting to keep it's head above water no matter how much is spent.
