The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #7269   Message #2919899
Posted By: Art Thieme
03-Jun-10 - 02:23 PM
Thread Name: River Songs
Subject: RE: River Songs
My cassette called ON THE RIVER is one I recorded in 2 hours because I needed a recording to sell passengers on the Julia Belle Swain where I sang for a decade-- on the Mississippi River mainly-- the Illinois River too. The passengers back then, 1986 to 1997, did nor know about or want CDs---just cassettes.

I fleshed it out with live recordings from old shows of mine to be a CD for Sandy Paton on Folk Legacy Records---but it never came to fruition. (I sure do miss Sandy.) I did tell Sandy that if it came out, I wanted it to be my gift to Caroline and him.
Below is what I was thinking might be included in the CD called Art Thieme--On The River CD.

Mike Fink's Bet (a short tall tale)
Bayou Sara
Julia Belle Swain Blues (by me)
Lost Jimmie Whalen (lumberjack tragedy on the river)
What Does The Deep Sea Say
Banks Of Ponchartrain
Goin' To Cairo
Rock River Valley (by me)
Diamond Jo (about the Steamboat Diamond Jo)
The State Of Illinois
Down By The Embarrass (by Win Stracke)
The Big Catfish (tall tale)
Shanty Boy On The Big Eau Claire
Is Your Lamps Gone Out
A Lock And Dam Tale (another tall tale)
Annie Christmas (tall tale)/Catfish John
Minimizing hard times with tall tales (spoken)
9-Pound Hammer/Big River (by Johnny Cash)
The BILLDAD (a tall tale)
The Great Turtle Drive/Red River Valley (musical saw)
The Red River Shore (river variant of a Child Ballad)

I hope some of these ideas might help.
Art Thieme