The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #126555   Message #2920794
Posted By: LilyFestre
04-Jun-10 - 05:27 PM
Thread Name: on to Life!
Subject: RE: LilyFestre - Only one more chemo to go!!
Today I picked up some fun stuff. A ridiculous foam nurse's hat, thick white framed sunglasses, two flower leis (lays?) in teal for ovarian cancer and the other purple for cancer in general. I also found this neat gizmo for blowing up balloons...looks like a very large syringe....uh huh...I'm gonna have me some fun with the nurses!!!

Just about have everything ready here to go for Round #6...laundry is (almost) done, things are picked up, there's food in the house...etc. You get the idea. Also, this time we are picking up my chemo gal pal for the ride down and an overnight (she gets her own room as I learned 3 is just too much for me to take during treatment)....but we're planning a pizza and games for the night. I told her I wanted to do something to celebrate but couldn't come up with anything. She said she feels the same way and that for now, just getting through it and the 2 weeks after is plenty to think about. I agree. We are both exhausted but looking forward to seeing each other on Sunday!
