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Thread #129840   Message #2921156
Posted By: CarolC
05-Jun-10 - 04:50 AM
Thread Name: BS: New Israeli atrocity: attack on Gaza aid
Subject: RE: BS: New Israeli atrocity: attack on Gaza aid
Now that it's over, I just want to say a word about fabricating anti-Semitic acts.

In the link I provided that proves that the recording that the Israeli government released in which people on the Mavi Marmara were supposed to have made anti-Semitic remarks and a remark that I guess they think a terrorist would make, is fabricated (more stupidity from the hasbara people), we have an example of just about one of the lowest things I can imagine anyone doing short of physically harming someone. They fabricate an act of anti-Semitism in order to smear several hundred good people. Not only do they commit a vile libel against these people, but they do a horrendous disservice to Jews who find themselves subjected to real acts of anti-Semitism, because when people find out that sometimes these things are fabricated as a weapon and to harm other people, they might not take real cases of anti-Semitism quite so seriously.

The Israeli government are just about the slimiest and most reprehensible people I can possibly imagine.