The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #126160   Message #2921214
Posted By: Janie
05-Jun-10 - 09:23 AM
Thread Name: BS: Gardening 2010
Subject: RE: BS: Gardening 2010
We have had an abundance of rain the last several weeks, and for the most part, comfortable temperatures.

Have had enough rain over a long enough period that the grass has actually been able to suck up enough of it before the trees get it all. It has turned hot and muggy. I'm tempted to just mow the sunnier spots and leave the rest alone. The grass doesn't grow that tall under the trees, and right now it has kind of a lovely, soft, look to it. It might even be good for it to be allowed to grow and go to seed. (Or maybe I'm looking for an excuse to minimize sweating in this humidity:>)

Day lilies are in various stages of bloom or putting up scapes.   Mater's doing well, but way behind yours Stilly. A few green tomatoes on the cherries, but the Mortgage Lifter is just setting it's first blooms. Will fertilize today, and do something about the slugs starting in on the basil.