The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #87391   Message #2922407
Posted By: beardedbruce
07-Jun-10 - 11:50 AM
Thread Name: BS: Where's the Global Warming
Subject: RE: BS: Where's the Global Warming

Saws:"said there is some global warming that MAY have been caused by man."

Snail:"Curious then, that you keep producing odd, isolated little charts that appear to try and prove otherwise."

The present faith that all significant GW is caused by man-made soudes is what is in question: Since that is what is being presented by Goreistas et Al.

Saws:"I regard global warming and pollution and energy conservation as different issues."

Snail:"I would have thought they were intimately linked."

Many issues are related. Your thoughts are your own concern: YOU may have chosen to ignore all GW that is NOT caused by man, but that does not make it disappear.

Snail:"Please supply data and reasoned arguments to support your contention that global warming can be disregarded. "

Straw man arguement: the contention is that MAN-MADE sources of GW are less significant than natural ones, as far as can be seen, and the man-made sources can be ignored as being in the noise. Care to show me ANY Goreista efforts to ADAPT to, or accomadate, GW? ALL that has been presented is a promise to stop it if we just act the way he wants- giving him power and control, as well as money.

If we adjust to GW, we are safer regardless of the causes.

If we do not adjust, we are certainly worse off if the causes are NOT man-made, and probably worse off if we give that control and power to Goreistas in an effort to stop what seems to be a natural shift in climate.