The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #126555   Message #2922764
Posted By: wysiwyg
07-Jun-10 - 08:33 PM
Thread Name: on to Life!
Subject: RE: LilyFestre-one more week then last chemo coming up
Ask Father Cootiesniffer what to do when the spirit is willing but the body just can't keep up.... it doesn't matter what my determination level is. My body essential is give me the finger.   How does a body in that shape keep ones spirits up?

What he would tell you is:

... that your body, your mind, and your spirit are all one... even tho they do not always FEEL like one, and

... that "can do this" is not about physical ability in any one given moment but about the longer view, and

... that in the end you can do this, and you ARE doing this, and you will continue to [be able to] do this.

He would (will) tell you that the down times are PART of doing it, not evidence that you cannot do it. (It's HOW "we" all "do it.") The Grace of God helps us endure it, whether we ask or not, but sometimes more noticeably so when we direct our attention there.

As in, "it's a good day because...."

Dammit, you can do this! :~) And you have CS's cell number. He will not be surprised (or too busy) if you call whenever you need to.
