The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #130030   Message #2922936
Posted By: MikeofNorthumbria
08-Jun-10 - 06:38 AM
Thread Name: Info: Davy Graham
Subject: RE: Davy Graham
What a treat! It made me feel half a century younger for 24 minutes.

But then, after the euphoria had subsided, I couldn't help thinking about how far we've come since then. All that stuff seems a long way away from the 'folk nouveau' of Kate Rusby, Seth Lakeman, Bellowhead & co. And the 21st century Martin is certainly very different from the smooth-voiced ex-chorister we see performing there.

Some might regard that version of 'folk' as nothing more an embarrassing anachronism that's better left in the archives. But even they should consider the possibiliy that without the efforts of those sixties pioneers today's folk universe and all its bright twinkly stars might never have happened.
