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Thread #129840   Message #2922962
Posted By: Penny S.
08-Jun-10 - 07:35 AM
Thread Name: BS: New Israeli atrocity: attack on Gaza aid
Subject: RE: BS: New Israeli atrocity: attack on Gaza aid
Sorry, but the Telegraph is in no position to accuse the Guardian of bias. The Guardian prints pieces from many sources, and many political positions. Any one piece may show bias, and the paper has a particular political position, but the Telegraph has as well, and less of a custom of informing its readers of opposing views. When a source accuses the Guardian of bias, look very carefully at it. The Guardian is one of very, very few papers in the UK which is not determinedly right-wing or in the grip of owners with personal axes to grind.

Meanwhile, here is a link to Henning Mankell's account of the events on the high seas and their aftermath.

Henning Mankell on the flotilla

Our intelligent members will be able to take account of any way in which this differs from their own bias.
