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Thread #129840   Message #2922965
Posted By: Emma B
08-Jun-10 - 07:40 AM
Thread Name: BS: New Israeli atrocity: attack on Gaza aid
Subject: RE: BS: New Israeli atrocity: attack on Gaza aid
Ed. of course the media are writing from a particular bias - however some are much more upfront about this than others

Certainly The Guardian has never disguised its political allegiance in supporting 'progressive' policies in the UK and the Telegraph has traditionally been referred to as the 'Tory graph'

I believe I was the poster who drew attention to the unabashedly pro Israeli policy of the CanWest empire because an item from that news source was presented as an objective statement of factual news reporting

I also plead 'guilty' of presenting another opposing perspective as I believe people are frequently fed a single political outlook and presentation of international situations by the prevailing media of their country and I have an endangered 'liberal' belief in hearing both sides and making your own judgement

I love the first line of the opening paragraph from the Torygraph however

"Having cheap allegations of racism thrown at you in order to close down the debate can be very damaging."

Kinda sums up a lot of the calculated use of fabricated charges of anti Semitism against posters on this thread to discredit and divert from the reality of the humanitarian crisis in Gaza

(p.s. Ed West also has some strong views on abortion and immigration of Islamic workers into Europe) which I personally disagree with as well.