The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #129840   Message #2923409
Posted By: Ed T
08-Jun-10 - 06:12 PM
Thread Name: BS: New Israeli atrocity: attack on Gaza aid
Subject: RE: BS: New Israeli atrocity: attack on Gaza aid

Unfortunately, I do not trust any government from any country, west east, or elsewhere that is elected to represent the interests of its citizens...let alone to represent fairness anmd good towards humanity, let alone the interests of the majority in a country. It matters little how many times governments change, it really does not change much. So, considering history, should one really be surprised when governments do not represent your (and my) interests and spend tax dollars as they see fit...regardless of the country?

Do I have hope that the Palistine-Israel issues will ever be resolved? No...especially if the two peoples cannot trust each other and rely on the politics of others to resolve issues that only they can resolve. Peace and harmony comes down to trust, which is lacking between the two groups. When you can put asise a bias, and look at the case of either side...either can be seen as making sonme sense....but, that alone, without trust, does not advance any solution.

It is nieve to believe that involving others, (countries, religeous groups, military groups, etc) with a variety of interests (not all to benefit either peoples), to come up with a solution of how these folks can live in harmony together. Regardless of what they seem, there are many with other agendas....some of those do not put the suffering of regular folks high on the list...unfortunately, sometimes the suffering can be seen as beneficial, to promote a longer term cause.

You say that "all of Israel's neighbors, including Hamas, have said they are willing to accept Israel's existence within the pre '67 borders".

Maybe so, but of the two that actually matter, Hamas presents the current stumbling block, not Fatah. To be really trusted by Israel, a first step is for Hamas to change its charter (especially article 22), which is the real test to recognizing Israel's right to exist. To me, that is the real stumbling block to trust and peace.

I am sure you and your like thinking who dominate comments on this thread will disagree with this,(and most anything that does not support your fixed positions) and quite agressively so. But, you can by mere numbers and agression, force folks away from commenting and sharing perspectives (when they differ with yours, collectively) in this thread, and, then you can have it to yourselves.   But, that, and, a one sided Mudcat discussion, does little to change or get anyone closer to reolving the issues (real, perceived or denied, as such), nor advance peace and humanity in the region for all.But, you may feel in some odd way that you won some type of a battle...if so, I wish you good with that.