The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #126160   Message #2923585
Posted By: Janie
08-Jun-10 - 10:22 PM
Thread Name: BS: Gardening 2010
Subject: RE: BS: Gardening 2010
On the other hand, Alice, I bet you can have salad greens and cool weather crops all summer long, while our cool weather crops are done by early to mid-May, bush beans have a short season because they stop bearing in the heat by early to mid-July, and other long season crops are struggling to survive the late summer diseases so common here where we have long, hot, droughty and humid summers.

I don't ever have ripe tomatoes and cukes at the same time I have salad greens.

Brings home what a big continent this is, when Stilly is sweltering, I'm enjoying a "cold front" with temps in the mid-80's, and Alice and gnu are still warding against a late frost.