The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #126160   Message #2923613
Posted By: Maryrrf
08-Jun-10 - 11:10 PM
Thread Name: BS: Gardening 2010
Subject: RE: BS: Gardening 2010
Janie, the dimensions of my garden are about 24' x 12'. We have a good long growing season here, but you're right about the heat and about not having salad greens, tomatoes and cucumbers at the same time. Speaking of tomatoes - I had my first tomatoes from the garden tonight. There were two little grape tomatoes that were ripe. They might have been better if I'd left them another day or so, but I couldn't resist. So I made a salad of some of the last of the romaine, dug a few baby carrots, added some dill, cilantro and parsley, and threw in the two little tomatoes along with some croutons, olives and homemade dressing. So I did get a little bit of lettuce and tomatoes together, but that lettuce will all bolt soon. Alice, it must be a challenge gardening with such a short season. Here if you plan it right, you can have a garden for most of the year. I plant salad greens in the fall and harvest into late January, then replant in early March and have lettuce, kale, swiss chard and collards till June - and in June the summer veggies like squash and tomatoes start to come in.