The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #129988   Message #2923673
Posted By: Doug Chadwick
09-Jun-10 - 02:52 AM
Thread Name: so many consonants in a row esp. in songs
Subject: RE: so many consonants in a row esp. in songs
I don't want to turn this thread in the direction of the long and over-debated discussion on the rights and wrongs of singing from song sheets, but surely, after a few times of singing, people should be familiar with the sound of the words and the song sheet should become more of a crib sheet. So clumps of consonants should have less effect as the song becomes more well known.

If the song is being sung for the first time, could it be that people are unfamiliar with the tune, even if they can read all the words, and may not sing out as you hoped? If it is a borrowed tune, do the new words fit as well as the lyricist thinks? Do some words, which by chance happen to have clumps of consonants, have a rather clumsy fit with the melody.

I know several good musicians who say that they can't sing. Perhaps the Chinese pianist who won't sing along is embarrassed about his/her voice or is just concentrating on playing the piano.

Thinking about these things, I don't think that clumps of consonants play such a big part.