The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #129840   Message #2923934
Posted By: beardedbruce
09-Jun-10 - 11:20 AM
Thread Name: BS: New Israeli atrocity: attack on Gaza aid
Subject: RE: BS: New Israeli atrocity: attack on Gaza aid
Mouse crook,

"Only Jews can own land in Israel"

Not true.

"Only Jews are registered and called up in the selective service. "

ONLY Jews are REQUIRED to serve in the military- Isralei Arabs MAY if they choose, but are NOT require.

"Jews from anywhere in the world are given a free immigration pass, but no other people group has that privilege "

Since Israel was established to be the Jewish Homeland, the requirement that ALL JEWS be able to move there seems to make sense.

BTW, why is it that so many here insist that Palestinians whose families left Israel in 1948 have the right to go back, but Jews who were drven out at various times ( from Babylonian times to the present) have no such rights?

What is the time limit that is being proposed- and will you hold the 640,000 Palestinian refugees to the same standards as you hold the 820,000 Jewish ones driven from Arab countries?

How long will someone have to have lived in a place before they can claim it, and how long must they be gone before they lose the right to go back?

And about those Christian Palestinians who fled the Moslims in 1948- do THEY get THEIR land back? If so, the town of Ramallah just became A CHRISTIAN TOWN, and the present inhabitants better get out.