The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #129988   Message #2924420
Posted By: Dave the Gnome
10-Jun-10 - 04:25 AM
Thread Name: so many consonants in a row esp. in songs
Subject: RE: so many consonants in a row esp. in songs
I have problems with the 'ch' sound - People often think I have said I am alergic to some types of trees instead of some types of cheese! I usualy overcome it by saying sheese instead but I didn't spot one which led to a good mondegreen. On singing 'Skipper Jan Rebek' some years back (In a pub in Wales oddly enough) someone asked why said skipper was 'King of the fighting ducks'. He should be king of the fighting Dutch of course:-)

I am happier with the German or Scottish version of church as well! Anyway, back to consistants and bowels...

Cheers (Shears?)