The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #129840   Message #2924574
Posted By: Roberto
10-Jun-10 - 10:02 AM
Thread Name: BS: New Israeli atrocity: attack on Gaza aid
Subject: RE: BS: New Israeli atrocity: attack on Gaza aid
It is difficult for me to think that a person with a normal ability to perceive the reality could actually be convinced that a one state solution would have any chance to lead to peace (and democracy) in that area. I think we have no rights to play with those people making experiments. I'm aware that many of the supporters of the one state solution are not dreamers, but the one state they have in mind is that pursued for many decades by the PLO and recently by Hamas, symbolized by the maps that show no Israel, but only Palestine all over that area. There is also a right wing in Israel whose aim is to rule the whole area (Eretz Israel). In my opinion, the two states solution has no alternative if we also want to stop the killings. I'm not sure for democracy, because it is not in Hamas culture, let's hope for Fatah's evolutions (in the times of Arafat, there was no democracy where he ruled). It is not my racism, to use CarolC's gratuitous insult, that makes me think the one state solution to be a mask for a new version of the final solution, but normal sense of reality.