The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #129988   Message #2925269
Posted By: 3'Shift
11-Jun-10 - 04:30 AM
Thread Name: so many consonants in a row esp. in songs
Subject: RE: so many consonants in a row esp. in songs
I am a very minimal French speaker who loves traditional Cajun and likes Québécois stuff, and even if one can read music/French I imagine almost anyone has to learn most of that repertoire by listening to those who know it. Every language elides much more than its speakers realize, and most of them have dialects that are precious near incomprehensible to them who only know the standard.

My personal solution is that when I hit a bunch of nasty consonants together in a French phrase I just swallow the "excess" ones and keep the beat. (When I have a look to see what the Cajuns did with it, sonofagun, that's just what they already did. All you have to do is exile a large Anglophone community to somewhere that'll keep us isolated, deprived & so busy surviving that we have no time, money or use for formal education, and in a couple hundred years we'll produce your phonetic neo-standard English for you.) OK, now you French Purists, Cajun Nationalists, whoever, go ahead & jump me ... ;)   

And we Americans are fairly stubborn about the way we feel like pronouncing some things - How many people do you know who say "Expresso" when the written word, right in front of them, is plainly (& more simply) "Espresso"? And how many people call the second month "Febuary" although they've seen it with two "R"s on a calendar their life long?

BTW, I think the Hebrew equates to "Keruvim".