The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #25155   Message #292589
Posted By: bseed(charleskratz)
06-Sep-00 - 11:41 PM
Thread Name: Mudcats gather in San Francisco
Subject: Mudcats gather in San Francisco
This is the weekend for the SF Festival of the Sea which will be the occasion for a gathering of Muddies. I'll attend the festival on Saturday (chanteyranger, can you save me a ticket for Saturday night?), but on Sunday I will probably go to the Fiddlin' and Pickin' potluck in Berkeley--and suggest that it might be an even better place for Muddies to actually jam together than the festival will provide. It will be at the home of Paul & Margo Cox at 890 Camilia, Berkeley, one block South of Gilman, corner of 7th. Exit I-80 at Gilman, drive about a half mile to 7th and turn right to Camilia. Pick up some munchies or some potabl