The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #129840   Message #2925974
Posted By: CarolC
11-Jun-10 - 10:33 PM
Thread Name: BS: New Israeli atrocity: attack on Gaza aid
Subject: RE: BS: New Israeli atrocity: attack on Gaza aid
Because they live in the world's biggest (open air) prison. The majority of them are dependent on foreign aid and food assistance to live (and they would rather be allowed to take care of themselves), because the blockade has completely crushed their economy. Because many of them are still living in tents since the massacre that Israel committed in Gaza in the winter of '08/'09 (that's more than a year after the massacre). Because all of their civil infrastructure was destroyed by Israel so they don't have the ability to process their raw sewage, and they have to dump it into the sea, and doing that is killing all of the fish (what's left of them) in the tiny little patch of water that they can fish in without getting shot by the Israeli terrorists.

Because their ability to generate electricity was severely crippled by the Israeli terrorists and they have to rely on generators to get electricity a lot of the time and the generators are killing people. Because the Israeli terrorists don't allow in a lot of life-saving medicines and people are dying because of it. And most Gazans aren't allowed to leave Gaza to get needed medical treatment elsewhere, and people are dying because of it. Because Israel doesn't allow them to have incubators and babies are dying because of it. Because while they're not starving to death, they are severely malnourished.

Because children aren't allowed to have paper, pencils, crayons, school books and other things they need to get a good education so they can become self-sufficient adults.

Because the Israeli terrorists are treating them like they are not human beings, and nobody deserves to be treated that way.

Really, you guys. You both sound like two of the most uncaring, and callous people I've ever encountered. Let the eat cake! Eh!