The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #130144   Message #2926861
Posted By: Bill D
13-Jun-10 - 01:39 PM
Thread Name: BS: Some Fighting Suggestions
Subject: RE: BS: Some Fighting Suggestions
Perhaps I'm lucky...(or unlucky, depending on your perspective)...but I know many people here personally, including some of the more 'opinionated' ones, and I will guarantee it is harder to get into an actual 'fight', with name calling, when you may see them next week..or at the Getaway.
Thus, I try to discuss & debate here **as if** I am standing face-to-face, and I assume they may be nice, friendly, generous caring people...despite not agreeing with ME on some points.
Then, I attempt to counter & disagree with their argument not their heritage, personal habits or religious orientation...etc. (Yeah, it IS hard with a few).
I am not sure why it is that some use the semi-impersonal nature of a forum to toss serious insults about and employ the most vitriolic of if calling someone a nasty name might get them to change their minds and agree with YOU!

I have been here since the beginning....which means also since arguments and 'heavy' opinions began to appear. I have had a few strong exchanges with some folks on*issues*, but 'almost' never had it taken to personal levels. Alas, some seem to assume that disagreeing with their sacred cows and entrenched views MEANS you are insulting them!
If you read my posts carefully, you will see that a very large portion of my complaints are about bad reasoning or careless argument being that bad logic and knee-jerk decisions often leads to faulty facts and judgments.

So... rather than finding better ways to 'fight', I advocate learning spirited debate techniques based on reason, fairness & the assumption that you MAY meet your opponent someday under circumstances that make you wish you had taken it a bit easier.

(What? You say "that don't sound like fun...If I can't call an asshole an asshole, why bother?".... I dunno what more to say.....