The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #10790   Message #2928575
Posted By: Joe_F
15-Jun-10 - 06:10 PM
Thread Name: Mediaeval songs/tunes?
Subject: RE: Mediaeval songs/tunes?
The monks used to sing a lot. Carmina Burana is widely available. I have a CD called "A Medieval Christmas" by the Boston Camerata, Elektra/Nonesuch 71735-2. I have a pleasant booklet, _Seven Love Poems from the Middle Latin_ translated by Diane di Prima, "mostly sung", she says, but no tunes given. Here are a couple of stanzas from different songs:

Non de longo conqueror obsequio;
remuneror stipendio,
letor leto premio.
Dum salutat me loquaci
Flora supercilio,
mente satis iam capaci,
gaudio concipio,
glorior labore.

(I do not complain how long the wooing took. I am richly rewarded; I rejoice in my prize. When Flora greets me with eloquent eyebrows, it is enough even for my mind, which is able to hold much; I relive our joy; I glory in that toil.)

O quam felix est
antidotum soporis,
quot curarum tempestates
sedat et doloris!
Dum surrepit clausis
oculorum poris,
gaudio equiparat
dulcedini amoris.

(Oh how blest is sleep the antidote, how many storms of grief has it stilled, how much sorrow! When it creeps through the closed gates of the eyes, it equals the sweet joy of love.)