The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #129840   Message #2929824
Posted By: Lox
17-Jun-10 - 09:45 AM
Thread Name: BS: New Israeli atrocity: attack on Gaza aid
Subject: RE: BS: New Israeli atrocity: attack on Gaza aid
I'm gonna take e break from tis for a while - its way too time consuming.

I will conclude though by pointing out that in this alleged two sided argument, only one side represents a unified front.

The other side is a collection of people from all walks of life and many different countries.

The testimony of The Israelis has been shown to be false in numerous instances.

The evidence provided by the israelis has been shown to have been faked.

The unified single voiced Israeli side has been discredited and offered inconsistent evidence.

The other "side" isn't actually a side at all.

They were not one group united by any flag or other label.

They were a collection of varous groups and individuals.

Yet their testimony is consistent and NONE of the evidence contradicts it.

That many unconnected witnesses, all giving the same testimony is powerful EVIDENCE.

For reasonabe doubt to be cast on it, there would need to be some very hard contradictory evidence.

There is none.

The evidence that exists may not prove some of the allegations, but it is consistent with the testimony of the passengers.

BB seems to think that its a case of Israel against the world.

Keith seems to be following him into that corner.

The Israeli government refuse to allow scrutiny.

The passengers have handed over ALL their evidence.

Somneone is telling lies and hiding the truth.

And that someone is the government of Israel and its military.

Have fun folks - I'm off.