The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #129878   Message #2931750
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
20-Jun-10 - 10:41 PM
Thread Name: BS: June'10 Declutter & Exercise Accountability
Subject: RE: BS: June'10 Declutter & Exercise Accountability
I don't have a pool to swim in. All of the city pools but one are closed. I don't know if I have a swimming suit that fits right now, so I guess the pool question is moot. But enjoy that quiet outdoor evening pool for us, too.

Moonglow and Ray came over this evening and we cooked up some good bacon and set out the bowl of ripe tomatoes, got out some beautiful lettuce, opened a new jar of mayo, sliced and toasted the bread I made this morning, and had our annual rite of summer - the BLT. And I tell you, the tomatoes seemed more beautiful than ever. After eating home grown clear through the fall last year, I could barely bring myself to buy a tomato in the store. So we were pretty desperate for the good stuff. And these sandwiches were everything we hoped for. And Moonglow polished off the half of the second tomato that wasn't needed for a sandwich. I wonder if I am a few tomatoes short in that bowl? (She's welcome to them.)

I made a huge discovery in the garden this evening. I cut a couple of okra, and my god but my hands stung! My next door neighbor was out there consulting (she's the okra expert, I'm just growing them for the first time this year) and she said that yes, okra can really make your hands and arms hurt. I've handled these plants many times - perhaps that is part of the problem! I have bleeding cuts on my hands from that little exposure. It's gloves only from now on, and perhaps this is the big answer to why it is finger tips that are so sore with cracks and cuts.

My eBay auctions ended, and amazingly, all sold. I only made about $10 from all of them, but that's fine, better than relisting. I'm about 1/3 of the way to earning the equivalent of the cost of the BluRay player. I figure if I set small goals like that, maybe I can keep up this process more efficiently. I sold a couple of pennies, one Canadian, one English (a half penny) and a U.S. Walking Liberty half dollar. That had some scratches on the face and wasn't that attractive. But last year I gave each of the kids a beautiful old silver dollar or half dollar, I don't remember which, from my great aunt. They're not in cases or anything, unless them want them later. But they enjoyed getting these old coins just to have and look at. Sometimes the value in having something like that is being able to hold it, to look at it closely, and admire the beauty of the feel as well as the look. When I scan these coins and look at them closely, I'm amazed at the beauty and artistry of the engravings.

Okay. Enough. I'm leaving the dishes till morning and heading to bed. Night, all!