The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #128312   Message #2932138
Posted By: Peter Kasin
21-Jun-10 - 03:36 PM
Thread Name: Mystic Sea Music Festival June 10-13 2010
Subject: RE: Mystic Sea Music Festival June 10-13 2010
What a great festival this was, as ever. We were thrilled to be there. Thanks, Charlie, for posting photos, and thanks Gibb for YouTube clips! The Barroulie Whalers were alone worth going to the festival, not only for their stage performances, but for their demonstrations of chanteying while rowing, captured for all to see on Gibb's YouTube clips. Gibb, just to state the obvious, you have made a permanent record of probably the last West Indies chanteymen the world will ever see.

Altogether an outstanding lineup, as ever. Nordet was a special treat. Great singing and playing, and, though their English is limited, they communicated their humor (especially the lead singer) through gestures and expressions so well, non-French speakers, like me, could easily understand their joking around.

I hadn't heard David Coffin before, though he has been a longtime performer at the fest, and on the East Coast in general. For Richard, and my guest Susan, and I, who saw him for the first time, we became instant fans. The Johnson Girls were brilliant as ever (and thank you J-girls for all your support of Richard and I).

As Richard wrote, the typical festival lack of sleep caught up with us a little too much to go to the Gris Monday night. I missed saying goodbye to friends. Many thanks to Geoff for inviting us, and for organizing the whole festival. Thanks to Barry Keenan for arranging lodging for visiting musicians. We really appreciated that. Thanks to the whole staff and the volunteers!
