The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #130348   Message #2932910
Posted By: Donuel
22-Jun-10 - 06:41 PM
Thread Name: BS: World's Richest People Get Richer
Subject: RE: BS: World's Richest People Get Richer
old dude 60 is the new 59 so I am sure that you are aware that the rich get richer.

Here are some other ways in which they are advancing beyond belief.

In order to preserve CEO and CFO bonus and salary decisions to only thmselves they now have a new law which makes it impossible for shareholders to voice any actionable dissent to executive pay. They did this by decreasing the percent of control by shareholders to 1% from 5%.

The business of America is business so it is no surprose that the conservative court gave Corporations unlimited monetary contributions to political candidates of their choice.

The GO'B'P is all lathered up about BP and are heard saying things like "Obama's treatment of BP is UNAMERICAN! Well BP isn't American so at least it is a true satement. Lately some of the twisted notions of total corporate power unencumbered by any laws is far more important than civilian lives, wildlife, the air, the water and the plantet itself. There was a time when republicans could sport a bumper sticker that said "Save the Whales". Now they can't.

Instead they have a Don;t tread on me sticker on one side and on the other "Save the Wells"