The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #129878   Message #2935935
Posted By: AllisonA(Animaterra)
28-Jun-10 - 08:25 AM
Thread Name: BS: June'10 Declutter & Exercise Accountability
Subject: RE: BS: June'10 Declutter & Exercise Accountability
Love and blessings today, Michelle- I'm sure it will go well!

I had a lovely time at Old Songs, saw lots of Mudcatters and other friends, heard incredible music. Now I'm de-cluttering from it all- there's still lots of camping equipment in the car, the kitchen table is loaded with instruments, fliers, cds, and other stuff, I'm on my second load of laundry, and it's supposed to rain and thunder all afternoon so I can't hang anything outside. Bummer. And it's the muggiest yet this summer, so hanging inside has its limits.

But this was the first camping trip since consolidating all our possessions, and I made some useful discoveries about how to work the "stuff". We've got weekend tenting down to a science, but I'm at the stage where I wish we could have a camper van...

SRS, I hope you feel better! Kat, you are truly inspiring! LTS, I'm impressed with your quilting! Pix? WYS, let us know how the gathering went!

Back to the laundry...