The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #130219   Message #2935969
Posted By: Ref
28-Jun-10 - 09:18 AM
Thread Name: Old Songs Festival 2010??
Subject: RE: Old Songs?? (2010)
I think that this was a very nice festival. The performers were varied and entertaining, as well as musically skilled. The facilities were improved (Thanks, Fairgrounds!) and the traditions of the campground and venues were strong enough to overcome the utter lack of courtesy that some people always seem to bring with them.

My congratulations to the Festival board, staff, and volunteers on a job well done. I only wish that there were more (not a LOT more, but more) people availing themselves of this great weekend.

Also, really missed those coffee guys on vendors' row. I'd come to enjoy my morning ritual of claiming a chair spot near the stage and waiting for them to open up for business at quarter of seven!