The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #130402   Message #2936548
Posted By: GUEST,S O'P (Astray)
29-Jun-10 - 07:20 AM
Thread Name: The Blackleg Miner and FAF.
Subject: RE: The Blackleg Miner and FAF.
So you don't let the facts spoil a good theory - no change there then.

What facts are those? I know he based Jack Orion on Glasgerion - so what? Does that automatically qualify it as quality piece of work? Obviously not in this case - Jack Orion is a piece of bogus repro folkery of the worst order. In its attempt to effect idiomatic ballad language it falls short by many country miles, and yet it goes on forever. It is an overkill of Pugin Psuedo Gothic proportions - some may like it, but each time I here it sung all I think is - that's ten minutes (at least) of my life I'll never get back.

Suggest you try Child or Bronson - or maybe Bert faked them!

I'm well acquainted with both thank you very much. But tell me pray, what's that got to do with Jack Orion?