The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #126555   Message #2936865
Posted By: LilyFestre
29-Jun-10 - 05:28 PM
Thread Name: on to Life!
Subject: RE: LilyFestre-Mommy+Daddy+Baby makes 3 Relay for Life
To be honest, I have only a few photos of Jeremiah and Mommy. I don't like how I look....definitely NOT like a mommy. I still look like the creepy albino guy in the B rated horror flicks.....everybody is afraid of him but really, he's a gentle soul that is just misunderstood.

I know Jeremiah doesn't care. He's never seen me any other way except bald...although lately Pete has taken to calling me Sprout because I do have LOTS of little white (or very, very blonde) hair coming in!

I do think my bald head causes lots of people to stare, especially in this small town community. Now I have a baby that looks different from me and that creates a stir too. I'm getting quite used to it!

So...ok...let me see if I have a picture to add to Jeremiah's website:
