The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #130529   Message #2937899
Posted By: Leadfingers
01-Jul-10 - 10:33 AM
Thread Name: Parodies...
Subject: RE: Parodies...
Its a sad Fact that every time someone turns up with a good song , some clever bugger will write a parody of it I am pleased to say !
Sadly , MOST parodies are neither clever nor really funny , but the GOOD ones are well worth finding !
I got into parodies VERY early in my Folk Career when I discovered a Re Write of Bob Dylan's Times They are a Changing - The Songs They are a Changing , having a VERY witty dig at the whole Folk Scene .
And that was in 1964 !
And what about The Kipper Family , and now the Solo Sid Kipper ? As well as Les Barker (Already mentioned)