The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #130540   Message #2938107
Posted By: Crowhugger
01-Jul-10 - 05:03 PM
Thread Name: Folk Albums You Want to Dance To?
Subject: RE: Folk Albums You Want to Dance To?
All of them. When music plays, I move. It's almost as reflexive as blinking; I doubt I could remain still even to save my life. Okay, I know this remark cries out for someone to post a challenge, that surely I can't dance to such-and-such...and they *may* be right. Suffice it to say: when music has any beat whatsoever, I'm bopping & boogying along.

That includes most jazz too and the many kinds of classical music--once I was almost kicked out of a chamber music concert for moving too much in my seat, which mightily annoyed the couple behind me. However the lead performer came to my defence and management bowed to his delight at having at least one person in the audience thoroughly in the groove.

Call me a charter member of Rhythmics Anonymous.
