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Thread #129840   Message #2938412
Posted By: Emma B
02-Jul-10 - 06:22 AM
Thread Name: BS: New Israeli atrocity: attack on Gaza aid
Subject: RE: BS: New Israeli atrocity: attack on Gaza aid
Keith - I resent the implication I 'edit' with the intent to deceive.

As I have explained on another post, where I was criticized for copying a section of a report verbatim, I tend to give the 'gist' of the report with some quotes and the source - which in the case you cite was suffcient to refer back to, with or without a link - you obviously had no difficulty!

"We assumed they were the basic sort.
We were not told that they were really motorised scooters that came with those useful heavy duty batteries and chargers"

correction - YOU assumed Keith!

If you look back over the thread I think you will find references to motorized scooters, if not there were very many such references in the press

At one stage the Israel military reported -

"Major Guy Inbar, the Israeli military official charged with liaising with Palestinian officials told the German Press Agency dpa that Hamas was refusing to allow the aid in through Israeli-controlled border crossings over land.
Inbar denied charges by Hamas officials that the transfer of the electric wheelchairs to the Kerem Shalom crossing was a propaganda move and a "deception" because Israel had allegedly removed their batteries.

"The batteries are in the mini-scooters. That's another lie that you heard from the Hamas spokesman," he said.

Haaretz 8th June

But, in fact, we now know that wasn't true as the representative of the WHO negoitiated for the provision of the wheelchair batteries

The medical supplies were not matched to the need of the Gazans - this has also been extensively reported - however you will also find very similar reports about the type of inappropiate medical donations sent to Haiti in reaction to the recent disaster

From one Red Cross blog

"I spend a large amount of my time post-disaster speaking on the phone with people who tell me that they don't just want to donate money but they want to do more.
They have medical items, clothes or food to give instead.
People sometimes get cross or upset when I turn down their well meant offer.
And that's the point; their offer is genuinely well intentioned. They just aren't aware of the reasons why the Red Cross can't take these goods. Unfortunately I don't always have the time to fully explain why. Last Friday I spent more than half a day taking such calls for Haiti

In the Venezuela floods in 2000, seventy percent of donated pharmaceuticals had to be destroyed."

You are correct in identifying the need for drugs to treat cancer.

This is why I was particularly concerned about the progress of the all female aid ship Miriam which is said to be carrying medication for treatment of cancer in children and breast and uterus cancer treatments.