The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #130546   Message #2938616
Posted By: GUEST,Steamin' Willie
02-Jul-10 - 01:33 PM
Thread Name: Does Religion Deny Music to Children?
Subject: RE: Religion denies music to children?
You know, child abuse takes many forms, and parents inflicting paranoid superstition based on their own ignorance and lack of intelligence is still child abuse no matter what tree hugging inclusive diversity positive bollox you wrap it in.

Sadly, it is with us. My views on religion are not what you call passive, but I have to accept that it is still here, despite science, the internet and soap operas. We all seem to need an imaginary friend, and parents are no exception.

But what chance do the kids have? Being brought up to believe women are inferior, (you can rape virgins, count 'em if you die taking others with you!) that gay dudes should be killed, that anybody poking fun at you and your imaginary spiritual leader should be killed, that Jews should be killed......

Actually, I don't think lack of music is the most important thing kids need protecting from, it's their own family. But as a tax payer, I don't want to take a few million kids into care either.

Perhaps just a simple law that parents can't interfere with the curriculum and during school hours, no. You don't have certain rights over your child during school time. Might work for feral chavs too. Funny that feral scum and religious idiots share a trait...

Could only work if we drop the pathetic faith schools though and insist that state education is purely secular.

Oh, and keeping your child from school invites fines, bailiffs, and sadly, removal of your child if you don't know how to behave in a civilised society. I am not being anti Islam here by the way, God botherers come in many guises, many of them Christian.