The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #53158   Message #2939006
Posted By: GUEST,Suibhne Astray
03-Jul-10 - 02:59 AM
Thread Name: ADD: Here's the Tender Coming / The Press-Gang
Druridge Bay is real enough & well known to Northumbrian folks & folkies as the proposed sight of a nuclear power station - we might still shiver at the prospect yet! Go to Widdrington and head east...

Druridge Bay

Otherwise, I love HTTC, and sing it myself, but I leave out the Little Jackie verse as it invariably makes me want to throw up. Thus:


Here's the tender coming, pressing all the men;
Oh, canny hinny, what shall we do then?
Here's the tender coming off at Shield's Bar,
Here's the tender coming full of men o' war.

They always come at night, they never come at day,
They always come at night to steel your lad away
Here's the tender coming full of red marines,
Here's the tender coming you know what it means.

Hide thee canny Geordie, hide thyself away;
Wait until the tender leaves for Druridge Bay.
They would press ye far and send ye off to sea,
Here's the tender coming, yiou know it means

Hey, me bonny lass, let's go to the law
See the tender lying off at Shield's Bar,
With her colours flying, anchor at the bow,
Pressed your bonny lad, the best of all the crew.