The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #130546   Message #2939218
Posted By: Joe Offer
03-Jul-10 - 01:45 PM
Thread Name: Does Religion Deny Music to Children?
Subject: RE: Religion denies music to children?
Now, since we're talking about organs, I'd like to say that it seems to me that the art of playing a pipe organ as accompaniment to singing, has largely been lost. Back In The Day, that's all we had was organs in the Catholic Church, and here and there you could find a good organist and a good choir and an singing congregation - and they could make beautiful music together. This happened as a rule in seminaries, where music at Mass was often sublime - and I went through eight years of seminary, with terrific music every day.
But you don't hear organs very much in the Catholic Church any more. You still find them in the big, pretentious, old churches, but it always seems to me that modern church organists get overcome with machismo and play their powerful instruments to show off their power. In other words, they play organs TOO DAMN LOUD nowadays. I try to sing along (and I can sing quite loud), and I can barely hear my own voice.

The pipe organ in my seminary had one stop marked "Sforzando" that played all the ranks at once. My friend the organist said that stop was to be used very rarely - but nowadays, "Sforzando" seems to be the only stop organists know how to use. I would think that one or two ranks, plus a pedal rank, would be enough to accompany singing. alas, they don't do it that way any more.

I'm quite happy with pianos and guitars and flutes and such at worship, but it would be nice to once more hear an organ accompanying singing and sounding good.

The original title of this thread was Religion denies music to children? The thread originator, Keith A, said long ago that the title of this thread didn't come out as he intended, and he has asked that the title be changed. I had suggested Some Muslims Deny Music to Kids, and Keith said that would be acceptable. The trouble is, the thread has ended up following the original title, and it's more about religion in general than about a segment of Islam. So, I'll soften the title but leave it closer to what it was originally. How about Does Religion Deny Music to Children?
