The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #130546   Message #2939393
Posted By: olddude
03-Jul-10 - 08:12 PM
Thread Name: Does Religion Deny Music to Children?
Subject: RE: Does Religion Deny Music to Children?
Here is how I see it for what it is worth. God is an amazing and wonderful being .. the joy that one can get from knowing God is beyond words ...

Religion .. on the whole .. is usually evil or border line evil. Since they are ruled by man they tend to corrupt, twist, and bastardize faith until it is something that is as far from God as one can get. So in my humble opinion does it deny music ... sure many do, it also denies basic human rights, free thought and love which is what it is all suppose to be about and anyone who knows God knows what I am saying.

Many churches do some amazing good things so I don't want to generalize for that is wrong ... but one doesn't need religion to know God ... and the one I know gave us music .. and the ability to use it for good and to pass it on to our children