The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #130546   Message #2939975
Posted By: Howard Jones
05-Jul-10 - 05:41 AM
Thread Name: Does Religion Deny Music to Children?
Subject: RE: Does Religion Deny Music to Children?
Jack, I share your concern at the cutbacks, music is seen as an easy target. I question whether it's just "capitalist" though, or whether a socialist administration would make different choices, but that's for a different debate.

However the music cutbacks Midlothian (and probably other authorities) are threatening are to do with one-to-one instrument tuition (again, there's scope for discussion over whether this should be funded by the taxpayer, but not here). These LEAs will presumably be continuing with their statutory responsibilities to provide at least some music education in accordance with the National Curriculum, whereas some religiously-motivated parents want to withdraw their children from all music education. That's the difference.