The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #130580   Message #2940774
Posted By: Phil Edwards
06-Jul-10 - 02:44 PM
Thread Name: Pip Radish Sings Trad-ish
Subject: RE: Pip Radish Sings Trad-ish
Hello world! You get a double dose of Radish today.

First, Sir Patrick Spens. Child 58, of course, and needs little introduction. This is the shorter version - the one where they never make it as far as Norroway. Like Musgrave, it has a fairly strong family resemblance to Nic Jones's version. Again, I've amended the words a bit after fossicking around in Child; I have high hopes of bringing the word 'grumly' back into circulation (grumly, adj., "what you don't want the sea to become when you're fifty miles from Aberdeen shore").

I had fun singing this one; I hope it comes across.

Also uploaded today: This is the ballad of Sir Patrick Spens. You don't know this one (unless you've heard me doing it), although you may find some of the lines have a familiar ring to them. It was inspired by the experience of waiting to go on at a folk club while somebody else did Spens... the long version... with all the verses included... and some very clever and dramatic twiddly guitar bits between the verses... all the verses. As an unaccompanied singer I can't directly reproduce the effect of a clever and dramatic twiddly guitar break after each of thirty-odd verses, but I did my best.