The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #128156   Message #2940965
Posted By: ollaimh
06-Jul-10 - 08:43 PM
Thread Name: BS: Clerical child abuse Part 94....
Subject: RE: BS: Clerical child abuse Part 94....
i noticed that this year the papal state police and the italian police didn't arrest the canadian natves and natives friends during their protest for the return of their dead childrens remains.

they have been asking for the return of theirdead childrens remains for years and in the last fewyears they were arrested every year. i guess that the italian press are noticing and the vatican realizes that they can't fight on all fronts at once.

at least fifty thousand native children died of preventable diseases in residential schools, with death rate of about fifty per cent. the school senior inspector a dr bryce called the situation "criminal" and he was duly drummed from the civil service.

amazingly then church authorities sasy they don't know what happened to these children who were their legal wards.

the canadian group performed an exorcismin st peters square as they do every year.first time they were not arrested.

i can't imagine the wickedness and evil of people who won't even give the dead chldren back to their relatives for burrial, and have no cemetaries of their own. i'm told the situation is similar in the united states

but we know the children were forced into these schools and never returned, fifty thousand at least, possibly three times that, no one responsible thought it mattered to count natives.

but then these natives are probably bigots