The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #25200   Message #294111
Posted By: GUEST,Luther
09-Sep-00 - 11:55 AM
Thread Name: BS: Ozone hole reaches Argentina
Subject: RE: BS: Ozone hole reaches Argentina
what happened? Here's what happened:

article at

If the link works, you'll end up at an article written in October '89, if it doesn't just copy and paste into your browser and have a look around.

What will we do? I remember an incredibly funny bit I saw on "Nightline" (this is a popular "news" program in the US) sometime in the mid- to late- eighties. The topic was ozone depletion and global warming. At that time, the corporate stranglehold on American media was not quite as firm as it is now, and occasionally a bit of truth would tumble out of the TV.

The guests were a Reagan administration official, and an atmospheric scientist. After the news report on ozone depletion, the guests "debated" its meaning.

Of course, the government official scoffed at the report, but suggested that, even if there were some danger, it was easily remedied: People should just wear hats and sunglasses when they go outside.

To which the scientist replied: "So, how about cows? Should cows wear hats and sunglasses when they go outside?"

I don't know what the government turd's reply was, I was laughing my ass off and missed it. Since that time, of course, the situation has only worsened, and the US response has largely been a massive disinformation campaign, distributed to the hard-right demographic through vehicles like Rush Limbaugh, and to the centrist demographic through mainstream media shits like Greg Easterbrook. Astonishingly to anyone who judges him by his record, rather than his PR, candidate Al Gore is seen in the US as an "environmentalist".

What are we going to do: I don't know. As individuals we can't do much at all, other than do our best to tread lightly upon the earth. The Green movement is probably too little, too late, although the gesture has to be made. I suspect, though, that the game is already over.

so, stock up on hats and sunglasses!