The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #25200   Message #294247
Posted By: WyoWoman
09-Sep-00 - 04:56 PM
Thread Name: BS: Ozone hole reaches Argentina
Subject: RE: BS: Ozone hole reaches Argentina
Alice, I love that design. I couldn't see any links or info on where to get one. ???

Well, Sorcha, disruptions in the climate are predicted, the rising of the oceans -- changes of even a degree or two in our planet's temperature can cause big problems. Droughts where there's been a good climate for growing food, floods in other places.

But as far as I'm concerned, it's only one element in a terrible problem globally, which includes but is not limited to the dumping of huge quantities of toxic waste in the world's oceans, and the over-use of nitrogen-based fertilizers which also go into the planet's water and really foul things up. When the planet's population was fairly low, we could maybe afford to be unconscious about our wastes. But now, with the population straining the earth's resources, we simply cannot use the oceans as a repository for crap we don't want to deal with. BUT ... nothing will change until the corporations and countries see some advantage for themselves in changing. I simply cannot imagine how they can be unaware, or uncaring about the effects of what they do. We ALL live here.

And why should we care if it's just a matter of time before we all go the way of the dinosaurs? In the scheme of things, we are just an organism that got too smart for itself in some ways and far too dumb about itself in others and overpowered our ecosystem and turned the lights out on ourselves. However, I have children, I am a part of this beautiful little planet and I have a stake in its future, and in the future of the human species, which in spite of its many and varied flaws, is one of my favorites. Many of my best friends are humans and I so hope we can live long and prosper.

It will take a revolution, of course. Global and all that. Problem is, most of us are rebels without a cause. We simply don't know where to take our stand. Recycling and using earth friendly products just doesn't seem to be cutting it, does it? I would like to see a guidebook of some sort that lays out the steps we can take to "tread lightly." What does that mean, exactly, and how do I start on Day One? And then, after that, what do I do? And while I'm doing that, what letters do I write and what do I do to affect the political process, and how do I NOT become shrill and thereby undermine my own effectiveness, but remain steadfast and angry enough to keep taking the Next Step?

That's what I'D like to know? And can we use music to change consciousness again like we did Back Then, or is that just a quaint, nostalgic notion?

Wondering Wyo-Wyo