The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #52109   Message #2942632
Posted By: GUEST
09-Jul-10 - 06:06 PM
Thread Name: The Great Tune Hunt Permathread
Subject: RE: The Great Tune Hunt Permathread
X: 231
T:Dear Old Donegal
C:Steve Graham
S:Songs & Dances of Ireland, Wise Publications, 1982
w: It
G2G (GA)B|A2G G2d|e2e c2e|d3-d2f|
w: seems like on-_ly yes-ter-day, I sailed from out of Cork._ A
g2g f2g |e2d d2B|B2A A2B|A3-A2B|
w: wan-der-er from E-rin's isle, I land-ed in New York._ There
GGG (GA)B|A2G G2d|e2e c2e|d3-d2f|
w: was-n't a soul_ to greet me there, a strang-er on the shore,_ But
g2g f2g |e2d B2B|A2A G2A|G3-G2d|
w: I-rish luck was with me here, and rich-es came ga-lore._ And
eee c2e |g2g g2e|e2d d2B|d3-d2B|
w: now that I'm go-ing back a-gain to dear old E-rin's isle._ My
d2d d2d |e2g d2B|B2A A2B|A3-A2B|
w: friends will meet me on the pier and greet me with a smile._ Their
G2G GAB |A2G G2d|e2e c2e|d3-def|
w: fa-ces, sure, I've al-most for-got. I've been so long a-way,_ But my
ggg f2g |e2d B2B|A2A G2A|G3-GzB||
w: mo-ther will in-tro-duce them all and this to me will say:_ * "Shake
GGG (GA)B|A2G G2d|eee c2e|d3-d2f|
w: hands with your Un-_cle Mike, me boy, and here is your sis-ter Kate,_ And
g2g f2g |e2d d2B|B2A A2B|A3-A2B|
w: there's the girl you used to swing down on the gar-den gate._ Shake
G2G GAB |AG2-G2d|e2e c2e|d3-def|
w: hands with all of the neigh-bours,_ and kiss the col-leens all._ You're as
g2g f2g |e2d B2B|A2A G2A|G3-G2 ||
w: wel-come as the flow'rs in May to dear old Don-e-gal.