The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #119380   Message #2942707
Posted By: open mike
09-Jul-10 - 08:40 PM
Thread Name: Open Mike's radio show now streaming
Subject: RE: Open Mike's radio show now streaming
I will be on the radio tomorrow...July 10...for 2 hours in the afternoon. 2 - 4 p.m. will play some songs about fire, among other things, as it was 2 years ago when the lightning fires consumed 200 houses (including mine) and over 50,000 acres of forest and woodlands
. We live in the area designated by fire terminlogy as I-Zone (Urban/
Wildland Interface) now also called W.U.I. Wildland Urban Interface.

The radio station is in a town nearly an hour from here. There was some thunder and lightning last night, and I am sure many of those who lost their homes and their community were having flashbacks of 2 years ago.