The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #130292   Message #2942725
Posted By: Bat Goddess
09-Jul-10 - 09:34 PM
Thread Name: BS: Curmudgeon: Waiting 101
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon: Waiting 101
He's more or less mobile -- he drove himself to The Press Room for the session, but left early because the noise level was even worse than usual (aided and abetted by what we not so lovingly refer to as the "Sopwith Camel" -- the air conditioning system). But the foot (it's mostly foot that's sprained) is still swollen, though the swelling is going down. (And the sweltering weather, of course, is NOT helping!)

Later in the day last Saturday, Jeri (thanks, Jeri!!!) gave me a hitch into Portsmouth so I could bring his car home. (Must have been some sort of a car gathering in the area -- I got behind a Cobra on the way out of town and saw several more classic Cobras on Rte. 4.)

He didn't sleep well Saturday night because of the pain and planned to call Urgent Care as soon as they opened. Meanwhile, Sunday morning I went to our local Independence Day celebration at Demmon's Old Country Store in West Nottingham -- 7 a.m. free breakfast, 8-ish to 9 a bunch of us from The Press Room sit around and play music and sing, then at 9 a.m. (this is a tradition started by David Behm, a member of our musical circle who passed away a few years ago) the Declaration of Independence is read from the porch of the store. A friend and coworker met me there with a pair of matched canes for Tom to use and a camping toilet (since our bathroom is on the second floor). And later in the day another friend brought over a walker. Saturday we'd had the offer of crutches, but since Tom had never used crutches before, he didn't particularly trust them.

So when I got home around 9:30, he'd called Urgent Care and I needed to pick up a new precription for stronger pain meds...AND (almost as importantly) get to McDonald's before they stopped serving breakfast so I could get him some COFFEE (what with all the ruckus, we were out) and a sausage McMuffin. So did that and the other thing and schlepped the breakfast back home for Tom and immediately headed the OTHER direction on Rte. 4 to get the Rx filled. That's basically what I did for the about three days -- pingponged back and forth on Rte. 4.

Anywho, he took the meds and decided not to attempt to get to an annual music party at friends' close by. So I did. I really needed the R&R by this time. (And a couple beers. And some music. Did I mention food? And singing. And being with friends...)

He's still sleeping downstairs in an armchair with his feet elevated, but he can now get upstairs when necessary. It's been sooo hot and humid that two people sleeping in the same bed is a pretty scary thought anyway. I gave him a bo's'n's pipe to call if he needs me, but a "wheeeeeeee" whistle actually cut through the drone of the fan better. And by Tuesday he tried out his ability to drive, though he only went up to Rte. 4 and back.

He's maneuvering a lot better now and I guess I can relax a bit. Work is crazy and looks like it's going to get even crazier. Whatever happened to those "lazy, hazy, crazy days of summer"? (Well, we've got the last two, at least.)
